Reality-check ... is this really what Arianna imagined would happen to HuffingtonPost? [View all]
To me, this brief article entitled "Al Qaeda To Osama Bin Laden: Fox News
'Lacks Objectivity' " .. as posted on Huffington Post --- referencing David
Ignatius' Washington Post scoop, i.e. the first reporter to examine the
documents "taken from bin Laden's compound" --- sounds to me like dog-
whistling off-key to the bat-shit crazy meme of the day to the withering
GOP, the decoded message being how much Osama HATED FOX News &
ABSOLUTELY LOVED the "Liberal Main-Stream Media".
Never mind that OBL is supposedly DEAD. But now we have OBL's "documents
and notes" to resurrect OBL's boogyman back from a watery grave, anytime it
might prove useful to the national security state, for your own good of course.
The central thrust of the HP article -- aside from selacious distractions about how
there were "tension in the house" due to bickering OBL wives, the older being
jealous of the younger, etc. -- seems to be to make sure everyone knows this ....
"how much Osama Bin Laden HATED FOX NEWS!!!! and how all those
other networks were so accommodating, like they'd really get Al Qaeda's story
right, and not do much damage to them in the process.
What complete bullshit this is, to me at least, it just reeks of propaganda, setting
stage so FOX can say "OH, Looky here!! How much OBL absolutely HATES FOX, which
FOX can then tout as a "Badge of Honor" and further distort the national conversation
... and project all the blame for our very real problems onto that "Goddamn Liberal
Osamo-lovin' Media that we've been trying to warn you about all along."
If Ignatius lets this "sneek peek" piece get distorted this way and used by FOX, I consider
him an accomplis in the crimes against humanity being committed here ... but especially
the crimes happening under a dense cloak of secrecy and denial in these United States,
that go mostly un-noticed, and only selectively enforced against the 99%, if ever.
Link to the Ignatius article: