...it seems to me before the Right-wing has a chance to co-opt it as their own idea, as they typically do, that we ought to take a deep look at the meaning of the Hunger Games Films so far. How much more does the allegorical totalitarianism you see in these films emulate extremist right wing- politics, than it could ever be lied about in the reverse. This film is what is popular after all, populism is a crazy powerful force, and the ' righties' love that. Lets take ownership of exactly how this film series depicts exactly how the right wingers are concurrently dominating political, and social discussion with lies, and how it an appeals to despair and fear in the context they would have it believed. Truth is, we see the lies, we see the desperate audacity they would have everyone swallow in the name of fear and conformity regarding their fragile worldview.
This film is about, US, The left, the progressives.... the ones who oppose the Right Wing status-quo that dominates the entire REAL world as we know it. The thing they fear is their "conservative" Staus-Quo doctrines ever being falsified by Our Paradigm Shifting defiance and dedication to a real world narrative that exposes, vindicates, and represents a true form of democracy and liberty that everyone can instinctively support without any doubt. The constitution of our great nation was never their idea, it was ours, it is OURS and as long as they deny it; They unwittingly deny their own rights as much they deny ours . They, by invoking the names our founders, and who's perverse interpretation of what freedom and liberty truly mean, will be the ones who have the absolute most to lose. We cannot force our ideas like they would hope to do to us, but we must aggressively demonstrate we are willing to take real world meaningful action to advance our ideas so that they might finally see what we see........ real world, meaningful, human, PROGRESS!