I'm going to start a booth [View all]
Tentatively calling it Tucked Away.
Recently a vintage market started up. Good location, terrific use of social media to show off the variety of items. I know people who have booths there, and actually sold some things to 3 of the vendors earlier this year. It is large, clean and fun. My daughters will help. They were hoping for a long time that I would get back into something I love and I'm good at.
I have plenty of items to put in a booth. Probably dating from 1920s to 2000. I'm wondering, if you shop in a large mall, what catches your eye? If you were creating a booth, what would you want to put in it? I think that for now, I'll avoid pocket sized items, until I know more about their security.
I have shelving and other display options. I don't want to sell them initiallybut if someone asks, I guess I'll entertain offers. I want to put a usable chair in, because the only place they have to sit is in the front of the store. I think people my age will appreciate a place to rest
And maybe look a little closer.
Thanks for any ideas.