that we should want Palin should fade into obscurity.
Far from it. I think every Democrat and progressive with a voice that can carry should remind the American people--again and again and again-- that this shallow, vindictive, whining, clueless, egocentric, grifting, ignoramous quitter--this joke, this perennial victim of "blood libel" whose most cogent thoughts are written on her hand--THIS was the person the Republican Party told us less than four years ago was the single most qualified individual in the nation to step into the oval office should something happen to the president. THIS was the person Republicans held up as their epitomy of "family values" and "patriotism" and "charisma" and (gag!) "feminism." THIS was their choice for guardian of the nuclear trigger, should the seventy-plus year old they were hoping to foist on us as president be unable to complete his term.
As I see it, the higher Palin's profile, the better chance we have for a decent outcome in 2012. Best of all would be a Palin third party run for the White House--especially if Newt is the GOP nominee.
So please, Sarah, keep up the good work. Let your freak flag fly! You go girl! Because you represent the true face of the GOP in all its ignoble glory.
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