Finally Started Messing With New Toy [View all]
Almost a year ago, I got a DigiTech Trio. Used, but still in the box. I'm fairly certain the first owner barely used it.
Finally, I start checking it out.
I picked a song with only an "A" part. (As in most blues tunes). However, any song without a separate bridge will work.
I play the chords, simply, and included a walk down chord to chord.
After 16 measures, I push button again, and the "learning" is complete.
Press button again and voilà! Bass & drums. Separate output into a Fender Bassman 400.
I passed through the variations and found a perfect one. (There are 12 for each genre)
Not only does the bass do the walk down perfectly, but the drum fills aren't all the same. It changes break to break, verse to verse. It's better than playing to a drum machine.
I paid $79 for this thing. It's awesome!
Took me 15 seconds to teach it the song, and I played to it for 15 minutes.
It stores 3 songs.
Unfortunately, there's no outboard storage capability and teaching it a more complicated song is harder, but this thing is killer.
I'm going to mess with recording on my 16 track and do multiple guitar parts & keyboards for the winter.
I should have been ambitious enough to start messing with this months ago!