In reply to the discussion: Older beginning guitar player [View all]Munificence
(493 posts)for around 25 years so feel free to ask me anything you wish.
I can't really agree on getting a good teacher vs searching Youtube and watching lessons there, there is a wealth of info on Youtube.
Guitar is a lot about "math" and noticing patterns, once you get your head wrapped around this then you will advance. One thing I recommend for folks is to learn the "CAGED SYSTEM". Start on this once can make your typical open chords and some barre chords. The Caged System will open up the entire guitar fret board for you if you learn how to transfer movable shapes and learn the major scale (doe-rae-me-fa-so-la-ti-doe) around them.
Most start by learning their pentatonic scales (major and minor). And I would say the 95% of all guitar players in the world only advance to this level. With this, I will also say that probably 80% of all "modern music" (Blues and Rock) are based on the minor pentatonic scale (as in when the guitarist takes his lead break he uses those notes/scale to solo over).
Marty Swartz, Justin Sandercore are ok to a certain level, however if you are going at this to get good, go to Youtube and watch some of Pebber Brown and Andrew Wasson and the lessons they propose.
Learing the guitar is repetition. You will start by learning your open chords and will have to think about them and look at the guitar to make a change, 25 years into it you won't even have to look at the fret board, you will instantly be able to move your hand on any fret over any string and hit that note or chord. I very rarely have to look at my guitar fretboard.
Also, work on alternate picking. This is where when you play lead, you do a down stroke and then an upstroke...discipline yourself enough to do this as this is the "right way you learn".
Feel Free to ask me any questions and I will help you along.