Sacramento County stops water deliveries to homeless encampments "This is a public health crisis. People need water." [View all]
Advocate Crystal Sanchez from the Homeless Union said they received a letter on June 26 that water was stopping to 40 encampments on June 30. The county also took their restrooms.
This is a public health crisis. People need water. People are going to die on these streets, Sanchez said.
The city said water can be found at 160 locations, including parks and community centers.
60% of all public bathrooms are closed down, and the primary reason for that is to keep homeless people out. So water at Cesar Chavez Park and other parks has been turned off, and when it comes to community centers, unhoused people are not welcome, Sanchez said.
The county said pallet delivery is being replaced by gallon water distribution in the unincorporated county at daily office hours through county contractor Community HealthWorks, as well as available through additional channels such as the mobile vet clinic PAWS and the SANE clinic.
Sharon Jones is one of the Camp Resolution founders that is now dependent on the communitys goodwill and donations for the majority of their supplies.