Denver Post article on Bain Capital's activities in CO [View all]
I was amazed that they had a hand in the closing of the 1970s Colorado icon
Fashion Bar. This is the place the Denver Nuggets coach Larry Brown got his clothes and where many Coloradoans got there nice clothes.
Also, a circuit board assembly plant in Thornton was outsourced to Mexico because of Bain. The article lists SMTC as a Denver company, but it was in Thornton. I worked there for a short time when I learned that they planned to close this facility and move it to Mexico. According to Wikipedia, the Mexico facility, that was purachased by SMTC, is unionized.
Finally, the article tells how a proud Colorado company,
Samsonite, was moved to Massachusetts because of Bain. This occured after Mitt left the company, but he was the governor of Mass. at the time and he had a hand in it's removal from our economy.