Its an administrative department so we're in the 35% cut group despite the increased dependency on our staff. Nothing regarding faculty yet, if theyll be included or not, and havent heard regarding other union work classes yet.
With everything online our kid has extremes in profs this semester: one class is scheduled 3x wk, but the prof only meets with them one of those days. The other days they are assigned YouTube videos. Youre not supposed to ask any specific questions of either her or the tas, and youre not supposed to send email. In the other class, the prof meets with the class 6x during the week, even if its a discussion the ta is running or a workgroup session, and as long as shes online and not actively teaching, she makes herself available for questions or consults in office hours.
Regarding the layoffs, I suspect this is only round one. About half the comments by readers both in the Newark Post and Delaware Online are generally nasty to both UD and its employees. UD is one of the largest employers in our local area. Pretty sure most are trolls since quite a few bring up The Biden Institute in their comments.