It doesn't sound like your child is getting a quality education if one of the professors only shows up for class once a week and there is no interactive among the students, instructors, and teaching assistants. I'm glad that there are sites for "rate my professor" so students in subsequent semesters can view his ranking and avoid those classes.
It doesn't come as a surprise that the comments section of the local newspapers are nasty to the university or its employees. Jealousy among those that don't have an education or that tried to get hired at UD and didn't receive a job offer.
Having grown up in a small rural town and then moving to another small rural town that had a university I would definitely pick the latter. Apparently others in that community share my feelings because one of the "townies" and her husband contributed $15 million to Southwestern because of its impact on the community even though neither attended college there. The wife had piano lessons from one of the professors as a child and saw the influence of the arts department throughout town even though there were only about 5,000 people living there when she was young.
Good luck and I hope that both of you remain employed and your child receives a quality education.