This is more than about one state. We'll see news from now on about all kinds of clamp-downs on leftist activism.
From statehouse to street, law enforcement = left enforcement. It looks like trumpcult stuff, and it is, but it also comes from corporate battles that have been playing out at state levels. Corporations are anti-activist.
What's variable is whether corporations want to hide from public view or not.
When they do, they use ALEC.
ALEC has been in the background of a lot of policy changes at law enforcement levels.
ALEC is behind all legislation that is conservative.
'Stand Your Ground' gun laws expanded to 30 states through the support of ALEC, after Florida passed its law in 2005.[70][71][72] After the Florida law had been passed, ALEC adopted a model bill with the same wording.[3] In the wake of the shooting of Trayvon Martin in 2012, ALEC's support for Stand Your Ground laws ultimately led to the departure of high-profile corporate members such as Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Bank of America, and General Motors.
ALEC model bills was introduced in many states to mandate or strengthen requirements that voters produce state-issued photographic identification. The bills were passed and signed into law in six states.[5] Voter identification bills introduced in 34 states would have made voting more difficult for students, the elderly, and the poor.[14] According to research by Columbia University political scientist Alex Hertel-Fernandez, "Of the 62 ID laws states considered during the 2011 and 2012 legislative sessions, more than half were proposed by lawmakers who... were all participants in the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC. In exchange for their payments of $50 per year in membership dues, those legislators had access to a draft proposal for strict voter ID requirements".[74]
ALEC does not disclose its membership list nor the origins of its model bills.[8][42] Lawmakers generally propose ALEC-drafted bills in their states without disclosing the ALEC authorship.[5][13]
ALEC produces anti-immigration policy in the form of anti-sanctuary cities.
ALEC produces anti-LGBTQ policies.
ALEC produces anti-eco policy that puts environmental activists on terrorist registries.
ALEC, according to Paul Krugman, played a significant role in producing the prison industrial comples.