places, and call out the troops, for we do have people everywhere. Beto in TX, some in FL, and other places. I say, turn the heat up, and make repugs work for their votes. Perhaps they're getting complacent, w/ the lack of upper leadership at the top of the GOP ticket (tRUMP is worthless).
To Democrats, Tuesday was a sign that the tide is turning in Florida. Floridians are tired of the chaos. They are tired of the culture wars, Democratic Party chairperson Nikki Fried told reporters in a triumphant Wednesday news conference. They are ready for government to go back to working for them, and they are ready for this moment. There's been a few articles in the FL papers too, about the same ol' dog tricks by the GOP in FL, and voters are getting tired of them. Perhaps this is an opening.
Tim Wahl, with his personality should go on a tour of southern locations across the southern part of the USA. Remind folks that there is a choice. Many blacks have regained their right to vote in Mississippi too, so this may help. Georgia is still tight. Hey, every little bit helps!