Georgia Lawmaker Makes an Ass Out of Himself--Literally (With Video) [View all]
In the middle of a summer chock-full of political hilarity, with Georgia taking center stage nationally with its candidates and their guns and pickup trucks, another Georgian has set a new low for the state.
On Sundays episode of Sacha Baron Cohens new project Who Is America? the intrepid hostwho says he is in Mossad
I mean, not in Mossadpersuades naïve Georgia Rep. Jason Spencer (R-Woodbine) to appear on the show ostensibly to learn how to identify and intimidate terrorists. Spencer fails to catch Cohens clues that he is not what he says and proceeds to follow the most ridiculous instructions.
Cohen probably zeroed in on the controversial Spencer thanks to his public threat against a black former state representative who was calling for the removal of Confederate statues and his proposed 2016 bill banning burkas.
The highlight of the show comes when Cohenposing as an Israeli military experttells him in an exaggerated accent that the best way to intimidate a terrorist is to threaten to make him be seen as homo, and that if your buttock touch them, it will mean they have become
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