Republicans may be about to steal an election in Georgia [View all]
By Paul Waldman October 11 at 12:27 PM
It isnt often you get to watch an election being stolen in real time, but that might be what is happening right now in Georgia.
When it comes to the nationwide, comprehensive, carefully planned Republican effort to suppress the votes of people who are likely to vote Democratic, particularly racial minorities, there is a menu of techniques Republicans employ voter ID laws, voter purges, limiting early voting, closing polling places in heavily minority neighborhoods, and racial and partisan gerrymandering.
But what Brian Kemp is doing right now is truly unique.
Kemp, the Republican nominee for governor, is locked in an extremely tight race with Democrat Stacey Abrams. He also happens to be the secretary of state, the official in charge of all elections in Georgia. You might expect him to step down or recuse himself from overseeing his own election in the interest of fairness and public confidence that the fix is not in, but thats not how Republicans do things. Kemp isnt just overseeing the process, hes apparently also doing everything he can to keep as many Democrats as possible from the polls in November.