The right’s Georgia disaster: How outsourcer David Perdue could really blow it [View all]
The rights Georgia disaster: How outsourcer David Perdue could really blow it
The DSCC is dumping cash into Georgia, one of the few potentially bright spots on Dems' Senate map
By Jim Newell
And then theres Georgia, where David Perdues constant chatter about how much he loves outsourcing jobs appears to be
his image with voters? Whod have believed it.
A couple of weeks ago, a 2005 deposition surfaced in which Perdue talked about how hes spent most of [his] career outsourcing. He went on to describe how, among other things, his work as a consultant setting up American footwear factories in third-world countries. When asked shortly thereafter how hed defend himself, he said he was proud of his work. The New York Times fleshed out further bits from the Pillowtex bankruptcy lawsuit deposition, like the part where Perdue expresses more concern with his own financial security than with the tanking business and the 7,600 jobs that were going down with it.
Its always helpful for a campaign when hundreds of smoking-gun pages of rapacious capitalist ravings from your rapacious capitalist opponent surface. It sort of ties the whole thing together. We recently suggested that these revelations could turn the otherwise sleepy, pathetic Georgia general election into the most interesting race on the map. Thats still the case.
Perdue is still leading in the Real Clear Politics poll average, but the trend in recent polls including the most recent, which shows the race tied is clear. And a couple of days ago, Nunns campaign released yet another ad, this one incorporating the proud response.
Jim Newell covers politics and media for Salon.