Gov. Mike Pence's deleted gay marriage Facebook posts reveal thorny challenges [View all]
Sometimes, whats civil is in the eye of the beholder especially on Facebook.
That much became clear Thursday, as Gov. Mike Pence navigated the blowback from his staffs deletion of hundreds of comments on his official Facebook page. They were responding to the posting Wednesday of a statement expressing his renewed support for putting a constitutional gay marriage ban before Indiana voters.
The episode underlines the difficulty faced by government officials when they set up an outpost on Facebook. Wittingly or not, they take responsibility for a forum in which supporters and detractors alike can sound off sometimes including insults, name-calling or profanity.
Pence stood firm Thursday, saying his staff viewed the deleted comments as uncivil. And his spokeswoman pointed out many posts critical of the Republican governors position remained among the hundreds still visible Thursday morning.
They are lying through their teeth, as usual. Hundreds of comments were deleted, including mine which simply said, "YOUR religion does not get to determine OUR laws. If you'd rather live in a theocracy, Iran is where you should be, not Indiana." No hate, no profanity, no threats, no anything except truth and my comment was deleted.
I am so sick of these idiots thinking they're our "leaders" instead of our representatives.