Same sex marriage ban passes out of committee [View all]
The battle to bring the constitutional ban of same-sex marriage to a vote for Hoosiers is headed back to the House floor.
<<The House Elections and Apportionment Committee passed the amendment 9-3. It now moves on for a second read before the full house.
The bill was moved from the House Judiciary Committee to the House Elections and Apportionment Committee in what some called an unusual step. Republican House Speaker Brian Bosma re-assigned the bill because he was concerned it didn't have the votes in the Judiciary Committee to make it to the House floor for a vote.<<
Watching the meeting today, I learned a few things. 1) It is government's role to keep the institution of marriage intact because it is the only way to raise happy and healthy kids. 2) Civil unions would also be illegal, but denying same-sex couples the same benefits, etc., that married couples have would also be illegal. (If anyone can explain that bit of fine logic to me, please do.) 3) People who are gay or divorced are just plain fucked up -- mentally, emotionally, physically, you name it. 4) Yes, Virginia, you CAN change your sexual orientation. Just ask the former lesbian who testified. 5) Indiana's future absolutely depends on this making it into the constitution.
I take heart in the knowing that this POS legislation will most likely be ruled unconstitutional. But it is a disgrace, all the same. Shame on Bosma for making this end run around an amendment that most (thinking and aware) people don't want.