A lot of the states in the South, too, have experienced shortages of labor after their states crowed about illegal immigrants and such. And, a critical point to remember, is that these states are facing LABOR shortages. Some can't find enough people to pick their crops, etc., so crops are being left in the field, due to labor shortages. And the governor does a stunt like this? This type of move by the governor (and others) do not help their situations one bit, in reducing labor shortages.
So, on one side of the fence, the governor is towing the line to her MAGAs in Iowa (and the other states too), but the other side of the fence is that nursing homes, lawn care businesses, and many of the other businesses that rely on such labor are unable to fill their rosters of needed workers. So, is the jawboning necessary? Obviously not, as politics seems to be getting more and more in the way of truly getting things done in a lot of regions in the Country (and w/ rural populations hurting w/ the loss of their younger members), replacements aren't easy to find.