Tyson, if this is true--your done [View all]
Workers at Waterloo, IA Tyson's food corp have reported people working while showing respiratory symptoms of COVID-19. They are afraid of losing jobs, many do not speak English, and some may be of questionable legal status. Per Waterloo Courier article 4/16/20 It just gets worse as you read the article--workers claim people are being allowed to come to work sick, the management knows they are sick, but all fear losing their jobs---The state dept of public health says not enough cases in Waterloo plant to declare outbreak, but workers indicate actual cases are more than enough.--workers and managers, (on condition of animosity) claim at least 5 cases, which exceeds state standards--Much information in article from People's Community Health Clinic in Waterloo, Which serves many non-English speaking workers--officially People's Clinic declined to confirm, but medical staff apparently sounded the alarm.....................And now for the absolute fucking worst possible news--tho Tyson's disputes the claim--numerous employees have claimed that many of the new cases came from workers who were moved from plant in Columbus Junction, Iowa. Operations at Columbus Junction have been suspended since APR. 6.......The charge is Tyson's either allowed the workers to move, or had them moved, from a plant CLOSED BECAUSE OF A COVID-19 OUTBREAK. No quarantine time in between. Yea, that's how you SPREAD a virus (or almost any other pathogenic outbreak) Will ask fellow Iowegians to help monitor this story. If this last act turn out to be true, I would suggest heavy fines, and yanking TYSON's permit to operate ANY slaughter plants in Iowa.