IA-04: Steve King Campaign Nearly Broke Weeks Before Primary [View all]
King, in a five-way Republican primary contest to represent Western Iowas 4th District, raised only $42,917 in the first fundraising quarter of 2020 (Jan. 1 to March 31). He ended the quarter with $26,773 in cash-on-hand.
The King campaign spent more than they brought in, with $48,153 in expenses for Q1. $10,500 of that went for a pheasant hunt in Akron, Iowa, that King typically uses as a fundraiser. Other large expenses went to payroll costs for Kings son and daughter-in-law. Most of the King campaigns public activities involve posting right-wing memes on his political Facebook page.
The lone Democrat in the race, J.D. Scholten of Sioux City, out-raised all the Republican 4th District candidates combined with $339,579. He ended the quarter with $715,092 in cash-on-hand.
State Sen. Randy Feenstra, R-Hull, raised $122,871 in the three-month period.
With his name ID, endorsements and fundraising abilities, Feenstra is Kings greatest threat in the Republican primary.
Good bye Stevie! Don't worry - his reich wing supporters will give him a soft landing.