Sheriff Asshat, as you blithely called him, would have on his own but his hands were tied by Corona Kimmy. He called for the plant to shut well before they actually did.
On April 10, Tony Thompson, the sheriff for Black Hawk County in Iowa, visited the giant Tyson Foods pork plant in Waterloo. What he saw, he said, shook me to the core.
Workers, many of them immigrants, were crowded elbow to elbow as they broke down hog carcasses zipping by on a conveyor belt. The few who had face coverings wore a motley assortment of bandannas, painters masks or even sleep masks stretched around their mouths. Some had masks hanging around their necks.
Sheriff Thompson and other local officials lobbied Tyson to close the plant, worried about a coronavirus outbreak. In an April 14 phone call, county health officials asked Tyson to shut down temporarily, Tyson said. But Tyson was less than cooperative, said the sheriff, who supervises the countys coronavirus response, and Iowas governor declined to shut the facility.