"Carding Wool With Joni Ernst" [View all]
Friend of mine wrote this piece concerning the lies that the Ernst campaign is pushing about Theresa Greenfield. Ernst appears to be desperate:
The author dives deep into business details that the Ernst campaign conveniently ignores showing that Greenfield's business experience was little different than others of the time.
He ends with a couple of great summary paragraphs:
Did Theresa Greenfield become president of Rottlund Homes of Iowa? Yes, she did, in 2007. Were there lawsuits? Yes, there were. Are those lawsuits long resolved? Yes, they are. How about we quit changing the subject by casting aspersions on Theresa Greenfields character and do something for the thousands of Iowans who are jobless because of the coronavirus pandemic?
While Joni Ernst claims to be fighting for Iowans, Mondays attack shows how out-of-touch she is during the current and greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression. The Ernst campaign is criticizing and casting aspersions on Theresa Greenfields character at a time when: over 100,000 Iowans are unemployed, Iowa had record unemployment of over 10 percent in April, the GOP-led Senate, where Ernst as part of leadership, failed to renew needed extended unemployment benefits, and earlier this year, Ernst sought lower unemployment payments in COVID relief.
As usual with Joni Ernst what she says and what the truth is are often 2 different things.