Kansas casts eye on teachers' unions [View all]
More Brownbackistan/Kochtopia shenanigans:
The battle over teachers unions has marched its way across the country. Ohio. Michigan. Wisconsin. Idaho. And now its in Kansas, greeted by Republican Gov. Sam Brownback and his conservative allies in the Legislature.
Lawmakers are moving to undercut the tenuous power of teachers unions by barring them from using voluntary paycheck deductions for politics.
And theyre going after teachers ability to bargain collectively on key issues hoping to give cash-strapped school districts new flexibility and leverage in contract talks.
One more step by the 1%/Koch brothers to make life harder for the 99% in the working class, and to make them more dependent and subservient to their corporate masters. Collective bargaining is a
First Amendment right! It should never be limited to the whims of the legislature. This will make it harder to get good teachers, and the end result will be less-educated children--which fits into the long-term plan of the billionaires.