She asked for a single and they said they had none available. Her psychiatrist contacted the school and said that at that point, she needed a single room for her mental health. As for whether the converted room they offered her as a "single" was acceptable, it's hard to say without seeing the room myself. I guess what I feel is, what's the point of having rules if they aren't enforced? At least investigate the matter and see whose story is more probable. Otherwise there may as well not be rules.
Like I said, I have mental health issues. I do not have the exact same diagnosis this young woman does, but I absolutely would have had a similar reaction and yeah, I probably would have done the same thing and had to go home and finish the semester online. The situation she was living in would have been unbearable to the point of a nervous breakdown for me, and I would have felt extreme anxiety at the prospect of having to try to live with a new stranger after what happened the previous time, and in a dorm known for being noisier too. Now, I was able to realize that I needed to go to a school that I could commute to from my parents' home. And perhaps she should have realized her limitations. But at the same time, a close friend was going to the same college, and that was her roommate the past 3 years. It wasn't her fault her friend had to take a medical absence after a suicide attempt, and I can see why she'd want to finish when she was so close to graduating.
Ultimately, I'm on her side because of my life experiences because I absolutely can see myself having the same reaction and feeling completely helpless and trapped.