Religion is constant part of Elizabeth Warren's life [View all]
When Senator Elizabeth Warren last week visited the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta religious home to the heirs and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. the liberal firebrand began her remarks in a familiar vein, decrying an economy that only works for a thin slice at the top.
It might have been just another political stop, a timely bit of outreach to the African-American voters who could be key should she run for president.
But then Warren shifted her focus to Matthew 25:40 and Jesus.
Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me, Warren said, quoting the Gospel. Then she shared her interpretation: Hes saying to us, first, theres God in every one of us, theres Jesus in every one of us however you see it in your religion, that inside theres something holy in every single person.
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