Warren Evans: Biden is trailing in Michigan polls. The party must engage Black voters. [View all]
Warren Evans: Biden is trailing in Michigan polls. The party must engage Black voters. | Opinion
Warren C. Evans
Op-ed contributor
Detroit Free Press) The Democratic Party not only has an Arab problem, it has a Black problem.
That should come as no surprise, when you consider the fact that the party has consistently failed to adequately engage with Black elected leadership. The first step in correcting that problem is for the party to acknowledge the problem. The next step is to fix it.
This problem, as reflected locally in the Michigan Democratic Party, results from an inexplicable inability to sufficiently and productively engage with Black people on a consistent basis. Instead, engagement most often occurs every four years, when there always seems to be a raging four-alarm political fire that only Black people possess the ability to put out. But if Black people have the power to save the day every four years, perhaps those political superpowers are worth tapping into on a more regular basis as a preventive approach rather than playing defense all the time.
In other words, we want to be at the table for every discussion. Every. Single. One. .........................(more)