Well... my youngest cousin just died from the cursed virus... [View all]
He was a bit of a lost soul until about 10 years ago when he turned his life around. Now this.
Whilst he suffered from alcohol addiction in his past, he was an adventurer and spent many years up in Alaska.
The details are still sketchy, but it appears that he was in hospital regarding issues with his liver (Not surprising). But while there, he was infected with the virus. They moved him into ICU, but he was not strong enough to fight it.
Our emergency care teams MUST have the necessary protective gear - not only for themselves, but also for those they care for.
His death is on Trump's and every Republican's hands.
For me, I'm here in the UK - comforted by my isolation here in a currently sleepy Cotswolds town. While my hometown of Detroit seems to be hit very hard.
As to my cousin Rex - May he cherish his final voyage on the family Moki...
(I'm not usually one to express emotion openly, but right now I'm rather pissed off - thanks for listening)
EDIT: Thank you to everyone who has passed on their thoughts. When I respond to one of you, I am responding to ALL! Thank you!