In reply to the discussion: Twin Cities area sees surge in carjackings, putting drivers on edge [View all]NowISeetheLight
(3,993 posts)... There isn't a lot the cops can do. Remember "stop and frisk" in NYC? Crime dropped but it was profiling. Now cops are told they can't pull people over for busted license plate lights and stuff like that. What can the cops due to stop a carjacking?
From the Wikipedia article on carjacking in America.
The major U.S. city with the highest rates of carjacking as of 2014 was Detroit.[35] In 2008, Detroit had 1,231 carjackings, more than three a day.[35] By 2013, that number had fallen to 701, but this was still the highest known number of carjackings for any major city in the country.[35] The significant decrease in carjackings was credited to a coordinated effort by the Detroit Police Department, the FBI, and the local federal prosecutor's office.[35] Serial carjackers were targeted for federal prosecutions and longer sentences, and in 2009 the Detroit Police Department centralized all carjacking investigations and developed a suspect profiling system.[35] Through mid-November 2014, Detroit had 486 carjackings, down 31% from the year before, but this was still three times more than the carjackings experienced by New York City (which has ten times Detroit's population) in all of 2013.[35] Even James Craig, chief of police of the Detroit Police Department, was the victim of an attempted carjacking while he was in his police cruiser.[35]
They developed a "profiling system". That's a bad word to some people.
Mpls PD has real staffing issues and honestly who would want to be a city cop today? I'd much rather be working in the suburbs where it's "safe". My Dad was a cop and a Police Chief in one of the outer Mpls suburbs. He retired 30 years ago and passed a few years back. He had 36 years in police work and was a good guy. But he dealt with a lot of the worst in people over the years too. He was injured several times including being shot in the face with a tear gas gun that left fragments in one of his eyes for the rest of his life (FOP Medal of Valor for that). Him and his partner managed to arrest the pair despite being hurt. I spent three years on a police reserve after the Navy planning to follow in his footsteps. I was in college and even back in the 80's Minnesota required an associates degree and POST certification to be an officer. But in three years I saw enough to make me realize that wasn't the job for me (that and personal health issues).
Mpls PD has lost a lot of officers in the last two years. Looking at the crime rate in Mpls who can blame them for leaving?