Mississippi Towns Spelled Out Phonetically in their Correct Pronunciations for the Media [View all]
A friend of mine started this list and would love any additions.
12. D'IBERVILLE - Dee-eye-burr-ville, NOT whatever your knowledge of English and/or French suggests.
11. TUPELO too-puh-low NOT tuh-puh-low (Come on, Elvis is from here. You should know how to pronounce Tupelo already. Come on. Really).
10. BELZONI bell-zone-uh NOT bell-zone-ee (This is the World Famous Catfish Capital of the Whole World, people. It didnt get built yesterday).
9. IUKA eye-you-kuh NOT, well, just say it like the way I showed you
8. NANIH WAIYA na-nuh-wah-yuh NOT nanny-way-yuh (You know an entire Native American people were born in Nanih Waiya. So be sure to practice this one out loud).
7. GAUTIER go-shay NOT go-tee-ay (Its a town. Not a fashion mogul).
6. SHUQUALAK shoo-ka-lock OR sugar-lock NOT shoo-kwuh-lock (Its best if you stick with the second pronunciation. Trust me).
5. LOUISVILLE lewis-vuhl NOT loo-vuhl (Kentucky got fancy and named their city after a French king, but were more homegrown. Ours comes from a state senator named Louis Winston. And now you know).
4. NATCHEZ natch-uss NOT nat-chezz (Can you believe that there are even any people around who actually say nat-chezz? Thats funny to me).
3. KOSCIUSKO kahz-ee-es-ko NOT any other way you might ever try to say it (Lets not upset Oprah further).
2. PASS CHRISTIAN pass-chris-chee-anne NOT pass-chris-chun (The state has plenty of Christians already).
1. BILOXI buh-luh-ksee NOT bi-lox-see (Though by water, there is no lox to be had. As long as this city has been on the map, it still cant seem to assert itself enough to have its name spoken properly. Put on Destinys Child, Say My Name, and practice in front of a mirror awhile).
As an example of how not to pronounce several of these towns, I recommend Tom Waits' otherwise awesome song, "Pony", off the album Mule Variations.