Court: If you fail the Mississippi bar exam 3 times you have to go back to law school [View all]
The Mississippi Supreme Court has changed the rules to say a person seeking to become a lawyer in the state has to pass the bar exam within three attempts or they will have to go back to law school for at least 12 semester hours before they can retake it.
The rule change comes after the annual passage rate on the Mississippi Bar exam has dropped from 79 percent in 2014 down to 48 percent last year.
The rule change says an applicant has to successfully complete 12 additional semester hours of law school courses at an American Bar Association accredited law school on subjects covered by or skills necessary to pass the bar exam.
After going back to law school and successfully completing the 12 hours or additional course work, an applicant will be permitted to take the bar exam one additional time, the state Supreme Court order says.
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