Got a $200 parking ticket in Virginia City [View all]
Drove into town and there wasn't any parking that I could see. Went two streets over from the main drag and saw an open spot and pulled in. Nothing about no parking. I come back an hour later and almost all the cars on the street had tickets. This was not a busy road. Eventually I realized all the cars that had tickets were facing against the flow of traffic so that must have been the issue. On the street I live on tonight I counted 4 cars parked facing the wrong way. This is something I've never seen enforced much less the fee be $200. Talking to my friend who lives there, and he said parking tickets had only been like $20, and the $200 fee was just voted in. The town was filled with "Lets Go Brandon" signs even on two of the businesses. Needless to say, I won't ever be going back there, even with friends in the area, so in the long run that $200 ticket will end up losing the town more than $200. I highly recommend you avoid this city of Trump loving grifters.
Was just remembering that when we got into Reno I had noticed all kinds of cars parked the wrong way on my Grandparents street. Just looked at Google street view and sure enough it was the same way when the Google car came though:,-119.8260635,3a,75y,154.72h,68.59t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sV6A4t6IJH-WYxjtoPRv8fw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu