In the article it says, "is a victory for pro-choice advocates."
This debate over abortion rights has been going on my whole life. It's really amazing.
I like women to have rights over their own body but I still have some moral reservations about late term abortions. But I am not a woman so I am probably not qualified to completely understand the nuances of this issue.
I thought this article was possible a solution to reducing the number of abortions:
"Campus vending machines offer emergency contraception without the stigma" (1)
Maybe Plan B is the answer for all the people who are so outspoken against having legal abortion. Probably not. I find the anti-abortion crowd is really not interested in reducing the number of abortions. Otherwise, they would be supporting handing out free-condoms to girls in High School to prevent teenage pregnancies.
I think the real agenda is something bigger than just abortion rights. I think what the far-right radicals are trying to promote some kind Christian based Sharia law as part of some American style fascism. Here's a really good article on what I think the anti-abortion people are really about:
"Fascists shared a seething hatred for socialism, liberalism, and bourgeois individualism. They believed in authoritarian leadership and the right of the strong to subjugate the weak. They believed in the primacy of the state over the rights of the individual. They believed their collective grievance justified violence." (2)
This may be more about the fascist ideal of having "primacy of the state over the rights of the individual" than it is about saving life. If the pro-lifers were really pro-life they would care more about fighting child poverty. And they would also be against the death penalty. Their positions do not seem logical consistent until you add: The anti-abortion crowd is really about promoting authoritarianism by the state over the individual. Once you include authoritarianism then their positions become more consistent.