Report: Wealthy, out-of-state hunters favored in elk license system [View all]
By Robert Nott
Oct 4, 2022 Updated 32 min ago
A new report says the states current system of granting elk hunting licenses favors the wealthy and out-of-state residents over New Mexicans.
Using a years worth of data from the state Game and Fish Department, the report compiled by two state wildlife groups says more than 35 percent of the 36,162 licenses issued in 2021 went to out-of-state hunters.
That leaves many New Mexican hunters who take part in annual draws for elk licenses skunked out of the system, the report says.
New Mexicos unfair system of allocating elk licenses is destroying our states cherished hunting traditions, says the report by the New Mexico Wildlife Federation and the New Mexico Chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers.