North Shore AFL-CIO Endorses Dennis Kucinich in Cleveland Mayoral Race [View all]
The North Shore AFL-CIO, the local labor organization representing more than 80,000 workers and nearly 150 unions in Northeast Ohio, has endorsed Dennis Kucinich in the 2021 Cleveland mayoral race.
AFL-CIO Executive Secretary Dan O'Malley, standing before an array of local labor leaders and rank-and-file workers, said that more than 400 labor delegates from member unions ratified the recommendation of the AFL-CIO's executive board Wednesday. He said that Kucinich "well exceeded" the 2/3 majority required for the body to make an endorsement.
"Throughout his career, Dennis Kucinich has made it abundantly clear that he is on the side of workers," O'Malley said in opening remarks. "And we are here this morning to say that as Dennis runs for mayor of Cleveland, we are on his side too."
O'Malley cited Kucinich's 100% voting record on labor issues in the U.S. House of Representatives and multiple instances of his having stood with workers in local labor disputes.
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