Columbus Dispatch endorses YES on Issue 1 [View all]
TITLE-Issue 1 opponents want Ohio to have the most extreme abortion ban in US. Don't let them.
"We encourage Ohio voters to cut through the scare tactics and make a decision that not only aligns with their beliefs but the facts," Dispatch Editorial Board writes.
snip-"The trouble with that argument is that those same opponents among them Ohio Right to Life, Center for Christian Virtue and a host of anti-abortion politicians that include Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine were behind one of the most extreme abortion bans in the nation."
snip-"Ohio's anti-abortion lawmakers did not heed the governor's warning.
They have no room for compromise when it comes to reproductive freedom. Which is why the issue is being taken out of their hands and taken directly to the people."
snip-"A "yes" vote on Issue 1 would enshrine rights to abortion, contraception, fertility treatment and miscarriage care into the Ohio Constitution."
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