2014 Oregon election results [View all]
just to have a jumping off point for discussion of state and local election results
Whaddaya know, the Oregonian has a really good summary page: http://gov.oregonlive.com/election/
Nationally, 2014 was pretty much a disaster, but locally i think we did okay.
Gov. Kitzhaber? re-elected, despite his fiance's shenanigans (looks like it did wipe 5 points off his victory margin, though)
Sen. Merkely? re-elected, by a wide margin
Rep. DeFazio? re-elected, by a wider margin (beating the Urinator once again)
Rep. Blumenauer? re-elected, by 50+ points unsurprisingly
Rep. Bonamici? re-elected, by a wide margin
Rep. Schrader? re-elected, by a wide margin
Equal rights? affirmed
Marijuana? legalized
Unified primaries? rejected
State legislature? solidly Democratic now, and while the race is still undecided, it looks like Chuck Riley may be sending Bruce Starr home
Not every candidate or ballot measure i voted for won, but overall, looking at the national results, i think it could have been worse -- a lot worse.
Glad to be living in the "sane" part of the USA.