When I was seeing differences of around 30 votes between the two of them in updates last night, i was wondering if just a few people like myself having recently moved to this district will have made the ultimate difference in who gets elected. Still hoping that Riley pulls it out in the end. I wonder if we'll need to do a recount and will need observers to make sure we don't have any Clackamas County-style "manipulation" of ballots happening in the recount too.
And the Top two primaries measure was absolutely SMASHED down. People thought that the undocumented driver's license initiative was doomed from the start, even if it would help ensure we have less problems with drivers on our roads, but the numbers for prop 90 were about equally as lopsided as that initiative was. That's a GOOD sign for the future of people wanting grass roots representation in this state from all parties and that ultimately we won't accept getting manipulated by the 1%ers.
And we still might pull out passing prop 92, even though that still looks behind now. That it's this close with all of the opposition money spent to shut it down is also amazing. People do realize that no other state has yet passed a statewide ballot measure to enforce GMO labeling and that all such laws in other states have been done by the legislature, not by state initiative.
So overall, despite 86 going down, which I think a lot of the students living here really need to have passed, I think Oregon has a lot to be proud of despite the disaster that happened elsewhere in the country. Makes me happy I'm living here, even with it raining a lot the last week or so.