Another Take on the Kitz/Hayes Debacle: How dirty media brought down Oregon’s clean-energy governor [View all]
It's a rather longish article, but makes some valid points IMHO.
How dirty media brought down Oregons clean-energy governor and his activist fiancée
By John de Graaf * The Grist * Feb. 25, 2015
Full disclosure:
I know and admire Cylvia Hayes.
I support the initiatives that she actively promoted.
I have no special knowledge of her financial dealings.
Regardless, I believe the recent attacks on Hayes and her fiancé, former Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber (D), have been sensationalized, and are at best misleading. They feel like more of a witch hunt than honest muckraking. Indeed, there was little real muck to rake. A close look at the public record and the media stories attacking the couple reveals a pattern of innuendo, conflicting accusations, and shameless scandal mongering. But before we get to that, lets go over some background.
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