funding in public education to preclude these vultures from having an opening.
The nursing board pass rate is much lower for the ITT students than the PCC students (74% vs. 97%).
Tuition at ITT was $493/hr. (degree takes 109 hrs for a total tuition cost (without fees)) of $54K. The comparable PCC program was $97/hr. (degree takes 135 trisemester hrs (equivalent to 90 hrs. for a Fall/Spring schedule) for a total tuition cost of $13K).
In both cases the degree awarded is an Associates which is not the preferred degree anymore (hospitals prefer the B.S.N.).
The PCC gets better results at 1/4th the price. Why would anyone have chosen the ITT program all else being equal (space available in the PCC program etc). While the PCC program is subsidized with tax dollars, I still challenge that it comes anywhere near the cost of the ITT program in cost to deliver.
In the article one of the students who did not meet the cutoff was expressing frustration on losing her investment. As a one time deal I wonder if PCC should look to at least accept her Social Studies/Science/Math credits. She still would have to run the traps to get into the nursing program, but at least she would have credits to start towards another A.S. degree. Other community colleges should also look to do this for for profits who have shut down.
Here is another nugget which I found.
"ITT received $169 million [in Pell grants last year], which went to almost 50,000 recipients," said Lauren Walizer, senior policy analyst at the Center for Postsecondary and Economic Success at the Center for Law and Social Policy. "This is a significant number of low-income students, who, without being made whole again, through loan discharges and restoration of Pell eligibility, will continue to be harmed by their attendance at ITT."