Misplaced decimal point means Oregon county's 911 system could be out millions [View all]
Columbia Countys 911 agency has learned the hard way that an errant decimal point can make an enormous difference.
The Columbia 9-1-1 Communications District -- the agency that fields emergency calls in the 52,000-person county -- asked voters in May to approve an operations levy taxing property owners .29 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value.
The agency meant to ask for 29 cents per $1,000.
Now, the agency is stuck with a tax rate thats 1/100th of what was intended.
Nearly 74 percent of voters approved the levy, at the lower rate, just a fraction of a penny.
Read more: https://www.oregonlive.com/news/2019/06/misplaced-decimal-point-means-oregon-countys-911-system-could-be-out-millions.html
Isn't anyone checking the paperwork to catch these mistakes?
As for the people who are opposed to properly funding the 911 system, perhaps they should be put on the black list for responses by entities covered by 911.