Voting at home is a wonderful experience. [View all]
It's done:
A rainy Sunday morning on farm. My wife and I took the dogs for the obligatory walk around the fields, then back to the house for our required Sunday breakfast of blueberry pancakes and strong coffee. Our dining table conversation this morning was not about activities for the day or plans for the week. We had our our ballots, out voter's guides, some campaign flyers, and a copy of the Eugene Weekly with election endorsements beside us.
Some contests were easy. On others we checked out the language of the measures, talk about consequences, and search for additional information. The whole process took about an hour, two mugs of coffee. We slipped the ballots into our respective security envelopes, signed them, and put that in the mailing envelope. When that was completed, Lynn smiled at me and said "Voting at home is a wonderful experience.".
Later this afternoon we have some grocery shopping to do. We'll drive the extra mile or so down to the public library and put the envelopes in the special ballot collection box there.