(Larson=a right wing talker whose show is carried throughout Oregon.)
His comment:
Liberal Talk Alert***Clear Channel pulls the plug on Lib talker KPOJ in one of the most liberal cities in the country. Replaced by sports talk in a city already well served by "The Game" (our sister station) which has Canzano, Chad, Rome, Patrick, The Ducks, Timbers, NFL westwood one, march madness. I wish my radio brothers well but what does it say when liberal talk can't make money in "Havana on the Willamette".
The pro-KPOJ comments ARE getting likes believe it or not:
Funny how a liberal station which used mostly common sense all day long, save for a few like Schultz, cannot make it, yet a right wing station that promotes, hate, fear, bigotry, all day long can. Makes one question the sanity of people.
(1 like)
Liberals tend to like facts, not opinions and emotions.
Hey Lars if you don't like Portland why don't you leave? Havana on the Willamette now I have heard it all. You may as well beat your head against a wall for all the good your show is going to do here anyway.
I would rather be a liberal getting "so called information" from Jon Stewart, then an ignorant right winger getting straight LIES from a bigot like Glenn Beck or anyone else on Fox News.
(great comeback to a comment "Talk radio only works with people who care about the issues. Liberals get there so called information mostly from blogs and the likes of Jon Stewart. The mean reason BHO was re-elected is because there are far too many gullible and stupid people in the USA." with 3 likes)
Hey Lars...you are a water carrier for the tea party and for corporations. Being a liberal talker is hard: you must use facts and educate the public. Guys like you...you use fear and loathing and soundbytes over and over again. Of course right wing radio is more popular. You can listen in and find out who to blame and....be misled on issues from global warming to pending election results. Thanks for keeping the Republicans out of the White House.
KPOJ shuts down, yet KXL and Lars Larson continue all the while the Dems now have total control of both Oregon State Houses and the Governorship. Shows that right-wing radio isn't cutting it in Oregon. How long before the plug is cut on the GOP shilling Liars Larson Show?