As noted in this article...
In Ohio and Florida, two of the most critical swing states in this year's presidential election, the GOP early voting rollback specifically included a ban on voting on the Sunday before Election Day.
Probably premature on my part to suggest that these efforts to strangle and cut down the post office by the GOP is focused on voter supression, which it isn't. They certainly have a goal of shutting down the post office with the unorthodox poison pill pension plan burden they shoved on it some years back and their subsequent efforts to continue to keep that burden on them. There are probably many other reasons that they're also after the post office like shutting down one of the largest unions in the country too. But I'm sure that they aren't stupid and they are watching closely how we react to shutting down of weekend office responsibilities of the Post Office. If we don't respond heavily to note that we will draw the line some place, they might make things even worse and at a time close to the election where it might make it hard for a state like Oregon that relies on mail for voting to respond. It's good that the press here as noted in this article at least is observing the potential harm of the current cutbacks so that we can be better able to deal with it and perhaps further cutbacks later.
A lot of voters wait until the absolute last minute to do anything about voting, and Oregon is no exception. Many of us use drop off boxes, including myself, but that doesn't mean in some areas and for some people that is not as much of an option for voters, and the weekends are often the only time when people can get to the post office. There are other things that it does in terms of things like providing ID for people getting passports, etc. too, that if we cut that back, might hurt voter registration later too.
I'm not overly worried at this point, but the point of my post is to make sure that the right notices that this aspect is being noticed, so that they know that we're not going to sit back at a later time if they try to do more extreme measures then.