They are rare here, but I guess in a climate change world, we can perhaps start looking at more of them too.
Destroyed three buildings...
More often we get heavier storms from time to time that brings down a lot of trees around here.
As for earthquakes, yes, there is one that is due probably centered in the Puget Sound area in the Seattle area, which if it happens on the scale it could, would probably affect Portland as well. Though I think it would be more risky living in the Seattle area and other parts of Washington, and near the coast around the mouth of the Columbia river where it might be hard to escape a tsunami there without much high ground to move to. I think relative to Seattle and the coast, Portland will have its problems, especially with older buildings that aren't up to code (we keep losing on bond measures here to try and fix and update very old school buildings around here), but relatively speaking won't be as bad off as Seattle and the coast if one hits. If you live in a reasonably high ground area that isn't prone to flooding and in a newer house that is built more to code for earthquakes, it probably isn't too bad around here compared to many other west coast areas.
I heard stories of the ash from the Mt. St. Helens eruption and it sounded a lot like the ash that was in the air in the area from the fires I was right near in San Diego area before moving up here. I still feel a lot safer here than being in that fire zone there. Had to house my mom a few days who was evacuated away from Rancho Bernardo, and my office wasn't more than a mile or two away from a lot of the big fire damage through that area then.