I think they may be still counting the petitions for the other "open primary" measure, not the "unified primary" measure, as ballotpedia still lists the "open primary" measure as "potentially" on the ballot, and not on the ballot yet.
I will also be paying attention to the marijuana initiative too. I'm looking for other things that I think should happen along with that measure too if it passes. It sounds like they reigned it in a bit this time around to not be as ambitious as the last one, and perhaps try to make it more practical. I know that a number of local Democratic party officials didn't want to endorse it last time because there was a lot of critique that it was "poorly written", even if some wanted to see something like it pass.
Another interesting one to follow in light of Monsanto's lawsuit against the state of Vermont on the same sort of measure, is the GMO labeling measure. Oregon may need to get is legal team ready to defend that if Monsanto looks to try and have its way with Vermont.