Pennsylvanians across party lines support taxing wealthy to save Social Security [View all]
But one expert cautions that might have some unintended side effects
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette link:
Social Security is among the rare topics that can make Republicans and Democrats see eye to eye, according to a new survey.
In Pennsylvania, people on both sides of the aisle agree that its time to raise payroll taxes on high-income earners, cut benefits for the wealthiest retirees, and even push the full retirement age from 67 to 68 if thats what it takes to keep Social Security from running out of cash.
A new poll conducted by the University of Marylands Program For Public Consultation found majorities from both political parties want to see lawmakers tackle Social Securitys looming shortfalls head-on but not without also increasing some benefits for those who need it most.
Pennsylvania Republicans (72%) and Democrats (74%) support raising the minimum monthly benefit for someone who has worked 30 years from $1,066 to $1,570. Increasing benefits for seniors 85 and over by $100 a month was favored by 67% of Republicans polled and 65% of Democrats; and 68% of Republicans and 66% of Democrats support increasing the annual cost of living adjustment.
- more at link -
Interesting and lively discussion going on in the comments section. This article is going to touch a lot of nerves in Pennsylvania. I hope someone sends it to the DNC.