Im sick to death of Texas and their cruel arrogance. Not following federal law, especially passing a law regarding such, is unconstitutional. There is only one way out... Texas needs to declare secession and takes it lumps, or the feds need to transfer every military person to other bases, take out all armaments, and close the bases after all assets are back in US hands. The fuck Texas. They can do whatever they want because they will no longer be part of the country. We will not open trade negotiations, anyone getting US payments for anything will be cut off. No Ss, no Medicare, no giving them anymore blue state taxes to help them through. We will help put electronic and physical barriers to any state that wishes them. The goal is to give Texas exactly what it wants... isolationist mad max world.
Understand, I lived in TX for 30 years. I used to call it home of heart. But even then we had these idiots. Enough is enough, and Texas has stepped over too many lines in the sand. To be honest, im not feeling very xmasy to any of these states that scream fuck the feds. I want them to face the music and either chart their own path or admit they need the Union... and then abide by our constitution and shut up. I know my thoughts hurt a lot of good Texans, and I would hope we could get them out of Texas b4 the crap hits the fan, but enough blackmail. Enough of the way they treat women and people of color. A Mexican family adopted me and my daughter after my divorce. I don't know how we would have made it without them. I hate the way Mexicans are treated and talked about down there. We could learn a lot from them if Texas gave up it's arrogance and hypocrisy.
Texas thinks it can flip us the bird anytime it wants, and its people keep putting the same politics back into office. At some point there's a price to be paid... and id say the same thing about my stupid state of ks, too... so it's not just Texas. They're just among the worst.
I almost didn't sign in today. Probably should have kept it that way. I apologize to those ive offended. But this was just too much. The dems I met when I lived there were beautiful people who loved and appreciated the diversity of people and cultures. But obviously, like here in ks, our parties are either not enough interested in us, or too poor to be invested in us. And I'm getting darned militant about it. I'm Native American and Irish for the most part, but I also have a Mexican bloodline, too. I'm a mutt... and everyone from Abbott to Paxton and all the rest are mutts just like me. Someone needs to rub their face in those facts. I have close family who love to for what it was when the democrats ruled, decades ago. I worry about them everyday, especially the younger nieces. But also my SiL who is two years older than me and my ultimate BFF. I can't help but worry. Again I'm sorry for those I've offended, hopefully you can understand where my anger and frustration comes from.