Hanover Schools directs principals to remove 75 books from libraries
ANNA BRYSON Richmond Times-Dispatch 1 hr ago
The administration of Hanover County Public Schools has ordered the removal of 75 book titles from school libraries, including such classics as
The Handmaids Tale and
Slaughterhouse Five, asserting they are sexually explicit. ... The administration directed principals on Friday to begin removing the books. The division anticipates the removal of the books from school libraries will be completed by Dec. 22, before winter break.
Hanover, Spotsylvania and Madison counties have been
hotspots for controversial book removals in Virginia schools. ... The Hanover School Board
voted in June to rewrite its
policy concerning which books are allowed in school libraries and then immediately moved to remove copies of 19 books. The policy gives the School Board sole discretion and authority to remove any books from school libraries with a majority vote.
In August,
the board directed librarians to start reviewing a list of more than 100 school books for removal using a website-based tool affiliated with a parents rights advocacy group but it is a guide that [link:http://|experts claim is not a professionally recognized resource for librarians].
A Hanover High School student has placed Banned Book Nooks at two locations in the county, this one being at We Think In Ink in Ashland. We think having access to these books is important, even if our traffic isnt high school students, said We Think In Inks production supervisor, Alison Sanderlin. All of the attention this is getting will hopefully encourage other businesses to put (a Banned Book Nook) in their stores.
Nicolas Galindo, TIMES-DISPATCH
Truly authoritarian, devastating action from the Hanover County School Board, posted Rachel Levy, a Democrat and teacher, speaking more broadly of the book removals. Levy lost a House of Delegates contest on Nov. 7 to Del. Buddy Fowler, R-Hanover. ... The official Twitter account of the Henrico County Democratic Committee posted on X: Appalling stuff happening out in Hanover. ... The Republican Party of Virginia backed the Hanover action, posting Monday: While most of us were enjoying our weekends, Virginia Democrats were having an unhinged meltdown because a district removed age-inappropriate materials from school libraries. ... It followed up later Monday with another response to Levy: Keep stumping for keeping porn in schools, Rachel. Were sure that will win over voters ... Republicans assert that such an action is not a ban because students can still purchase and read such works outside a school setting.
Anna Bryson (804) 649-6922
@AnnaBryson18 on Twitter