Whose statue should replace Lee's at U.S. Capitol? Tuesday is your chance to speak up. [View all]
Whose statue should replace Lee's at U.S. Capitol? Tuesday is your chance to speak up.
Andrew Cain 12 hrs ago
A state panel charged with recommending a replacement for Virginias Robert E. Lee statue at the U.S. Capitol will hold a virtual public hearing Tuesday to hear Virginians suggestions.
The hearing by the Commission for Historical Statues in the United States Capitol is scheduled to start at 9 a.m. and to last for several hours. The first 80 people who sign up to speak will get to make their case for up to 3 minutes each.
Following the public hearing and the Nov. 27 deadline to submit written comments, the Virginia Department of Historic Resources will present to the panel a list of five finalists. The commission will pick one of the five to recommend to the General Assembly in December.
Notable Virginians suggested most frequently in recent written comments submitted to the commission include:
To register to attend the hearing, go to the Department of Historic Resources website at
dhr.virginia.gov and scroll down to the section on the Commission for Historical Statues in the United States Capitol.
People who wish to speak must register by 5 p.m. Monday, the evening before Tuesdays hearing. The panel will accept written suggestions until 5 p.m. Nov. 27 at USCapitolCommission@dhr.virginia.gov.
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