Given the bullshit that is foisted on today's teachers, damn if I would do it again.
September, teachers' early report days were always a dream. "Coffee and donuts are in the cafeteria, courtesy of the Board."
"We know you are overwhelmed with paperwork and record keeping. We sympathize with you on this." Now, here's more stuff for you to do.
My favorite is the "Due Process" requirement for notifying parents about students who are about to lose credit for having 18 absences during the school year.
Forms are available in the main office and the guidance office. These are four copy forms. Mail the top copy to the student's parents or guardians. Place one copy in the student's guidance folder. Give one copy to the student when that student returns from being absent. Keep the pink copy for your records. Envelopes are in a box next to Ms. ...'S desk.
1. Teachers are to send an attendance notification when a student accumulates five absences from your course.
2. Teachers are to send a second notification when a student accumulates 10 absences.
3. Teacher's are to send a third notification when a student accumulates 15 absences. This notification is to be followed up with a phone call to the home or business of the parent or guardian.
4. Teachers are to send a fourth notification when the student accumulates 17 absences.
5. Teachers are to send a notification of failure based on attendance policy violations. This is to be accompanied by the form, "How To Appeal This Decision."
(I shit you, not.)
By November, I have sent out, maybe 10 "5 day absence" notices. This involves checking the absences every prep period to count which students have made it up to 5 absences. This isn't too bad. Get out the form, look up the kid's address and write out the envelope.
By April, it is becoming a headache. At least 30 kids have received 5 day form. Maybe 12 are up to 10. 4 kids have made it to 15. One has made 17.
By April, I am filling out an average of 5 forms each week.
God help my ass if I forgot to send out one of the forms and the kid fails credit because of absence. The kid's credit is restored because due process wasn't followed. I would get a letter in my folder about following administrative instructions.
By May and June, I am spending 15 to 20 minutes at the end of each day to make sure I am not missing a notice to go out and, of course, filling out and mailing such notices.
---- and that's just the bullshit about attendance.
I'm glad I retired.